Moments in the Life of Teilhard de Chardin
(Credit: chandarsasmal80, pixabay)
Five–Minute Videos
"Nuclear episodes" from Teilhard’s life. For conversation, for contemplation. Available on YouTube.
1. Unscathed
Christ or the "Science of Rocks"? As a young Jesuit, Teilhard struggles—until a spiritual director blesses both.
2. Caught in the Current
Evolution comes to Teilhard, not as an idea but as a presence. It’s flowing from an origin in Matter to a destination in Spirit.
3. Inside a Womb
Standing inside the Earth, Teilhard believes he’s in a sacred place. A birthplace.
4. A Fierce Wind
His death meters away, Teilhard writes a final testament, baptizing his vision of evolution, making it "Christian."
5. His Great Choice
Parts of Teilhard’s "Christian" vision find their way to Rome and he is told to recant—or be expelled from the Jesuit order.
6. Calm
An exile now, Teilhard writes a book for "waverers," those who listen to "the voices of the Earth." He wants to show them a way.
7. Dragon Bone Hill
December, 1929. Teilhard’s team finds evolution’s missing link. The discovery "’madly’ increases my faith in the presence of God in our lives."
8. The Whole Story
A Second World War begins and Teilhard finishes his master work. How does a planet, caught in evolution’s current, become "phosphorescent with thought"?
9. Rome at Last
Teilhard comes face–to–face with the man to whom he owes lifetime obedience. His lifetime of work lies in the balance.
10. In One Single Mind
His work denied publication, Teilhard leaves it to a Catholic laywoman. "If my writings are from God," he says, "they will go on. If they are not from God, they can be forgotten."